The Perfect Christmas for Imperfect People!

In nine days, we will gather for Christmas Eve for worship. As we move through these final days of Advent preparation, I would like to invite us to have a perfect Christmas. How in the world can imperfect people have a perfect Christmas?

We are so far from perfect in our planning for Christmas. We worry too much. Gift buying can take away the joy of gift-giving for others. Our expectations for everything and everyone else can be so unhealthy. In a time that invites us to peace, we can be so stressed out instead. So how do imperfect people have a perfect Christmas?

One story that illustrates imperfect people having a perfect Christmas is my brother David years ago as a youth. David was asked to be Joseph in a live Christmas pageant in our church in Jackson, Alabama. The production included live animals! So you guessed it, there go any hopes of perfection!
David had a simple role in the production. As portraying Joseph, David was to lead Mary, baby Jesus, and a live donkey to the manger at the appropriate time. It was a short twenty-yard walk. Everyone was ready to walk except the donkey when the cue came to walk. The donkey would not budge! David yanked and pulled, but the donkey would have no part of the short stroll. Minutes passed, and no movement. On this night, in the parking lot of McCann’s United Methodist Church, the donkey never made it to the manger!

This live Christmas production was far from perfect, but somehow the perfect message of Christmas is most remembered. What is the message? Do not forget to make it to the manger! This is our message today amid all the distractions. Do not forget to make it to the manger. When we make it to the manger, we can find the perfect Christmas as imperfect people. A perfect Christmas comes as a gift of God when we bow down and worship Jesus, the newborn King!
As imperfect as we are, I pray that each of us will still make it to the manger and have a perfect Christmas. So let us bow down and worship Jesus the Newborn King!


Philip McVay

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