Bread House Week 64

Week 64 Numbers
Bags Collected - 297
Bags Given Out - 297
Gift cards Given - 0
Members Served - 249
New Families Visited - 12 (41 total persons)

Total Numbers
Bags Collected - 18,729
Bags Given Out - 17,021
Gift cards Given - 176 ($7,525)
Members Served - 13,407

The Bread House would like to spotlight a group that makes monthly donations to the program. The Scrapbooking Group, led by Pat Brantley, meets monthly on a Friday evening and Saturday morning at Cross Corner. All the scrapbookers do not attend Shalimar United Methodist Church, but they share the joy in helping others. They make a monthly donation of food items for admission to the event. This is an excellent source of food for those less fortunate in our community. A sincere thank you to the congregation at Shalimar United Methodist Church and the community for supporting The Bread House! The Bread House is open Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 9:00 am until 12:00 pm.

Items Always Needed:
  • Dried beans, Ramen Noodles and rice
  • Canned items (corn, green beans, mixed vegetables, Pinto Beans, Black Beans, Pork N Beans, soups (tomato, chicken noodle and mushroom), Beanie tuna and chicken
  • Fruit Cups, Cups of Applesauce, Cups of Jello and single serving bags of chips, Peanut Butter and Crackers
  • Macaroni and Cheese, Peanut Butter and Jelly
  • Cereal
  • Paper Towels, Toilet Paper, Toothbrushes, Toothpaste and other personal care items
  • Produce-Apples, Oranges, Bananas, Onions and Potato

If you don’t have time to shop, you can always donate money to The Bread House by sending a check to SUMC, in the MEMO line enter “Bread House”.  

Questions or want to become a volunteer, contact Janet Norris, 850.598.5399 or Pete Peters, 703.395.2437, email them, or stop by.

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Faith Parry

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