Week 57 at the Bread House

Week 57:  A special Shout out to Jenny Shim for nominating the Bread House for a Community Service award for the month of May.  The Bread House was honored with a plaque and a $250 gift certificate.  Thanks Jenny!

Needed item: If anyone has an upright freeze and would like to donate it to the Bread House, please contact Pete at 703.395.2437.

If you have not stopped by the Bread House, please come by any Mon, Wed, or Fri between 9-12, we’d love to show you around!

Pic #1. Meet Chloe
Chloe is a regular visitor to the Bread House. Chloe brings her owner Jack to the Bread House. As a reminder, animals need food too.  Sometimes we have Cat food and Dog food, but not always. But we always have treats for the dogs, which they love!

Pic #2.  Meet Bill McBroom.  

Bill is our milkman!  Bill goes every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday to purchase milk and eggs for the Bread House. Milk and eggs are a staple the customers really need and enjoy! Bill has been buying milk and eggs for the past year!  Thanks Bill!

Week 57 Numbers                
Bags Collected - 232            
Bags Given Out - 294            
Gift cards Given - 0                
Members Served - 192        
Total Numbers
Bags Collected - 16,645
Bags Given Out - 15,423 (57.8 tons)
Gift cards Given - 176 ($7,525)
Members Served - 11,993

7 New Visitors - 25 family members

Items Always Needed
  • Dried beans and rice
  • Canned vegetables (corn, green beans, mixed), beans, soups (tomato, chicken noodle, and mushroom), tuna and chicken
  • Fruit cups and single-serving chips and snacks
  • Mac and cheese
  • Cereal, oatmeal, and grits
  • Paper towels and toilet paper

If you would like to donate to the Bread House, you can do that in the MEMO line enter COVID-19 or Bread House.

Bless you, for all you do to help those in need!  Questions or want to become a volunteer, contact Janet Norris at 850.598.5399, email norrisjanet59@gmail.com or Pete Peters at 703.395.2437, fpeters1@cox.net.
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Office Administrator

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