Bread House Week 34

Week 34 was crazy! We received a call from Destin Harvest, who was introduced to us by Larry (one of our customers from months ago), saying they had two food pallets for us. When the truck showed up, we received over six pallets of food. Luckily, we had some folks there to unload. We ran out of space in the kitchen. We stored some food outside in the fenced-in area for a couple of days and in the FLC's refrigerator and freezer. You could not believe our customers' excitement in wanting the fresh produce, which included pineapple, pomegranate, lettuce, Brussel sprouts, apples, and bananas. They were so appreciative of the food they received. Below are some pictures of the food delivery! We still need paper products and can goods!

Week 34 Numbers
Bags Collected - 380
Bags Given Out - 406
Gift cards Given Out - 1
Members Served - 340

Total Numbers
Bags Collected - 9319
Bags Given Out - 8574 (32.1 tons)
Gift cards Given Out - 171 (over $7250)
Members Served - 5867

Some of the items needed include:
· Dried beans and rice
· Canned vegetables (corn, green beans, mixed), beans, soups (tomato, chicken noodle and mushroom), tuna and chicken
· Fruit cups and single-serving chips and snacks
· Mac and cheese
· Cereal, oatmeal, and grits

Please know that you are welcome to donate or join us at the Bread House Monday-Wednesday-Friday from 9:00 - 12:00. If you would like to donate to the Bread House, you can do that in the MEMO line enter COVID-19 or Bread House. Bless you, for all you do to help those in need!

If you have any questions about the program, please contact Janet Norris, Donna Whitney, Sandra Brown, Bill McBroom, Phil Richter, or Pete Peters at 703-395-2437 or email
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Office Administrator

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