A Word from Our Librarian - CHRISTmas!

The SUMC Library is all set to help you celebrate CHRISTmas! Bring the kids and enjoy reading the “largest collection” of wonderful and wonder-filled CHRISTmas books ever! Our CHRISTmas books are spread throughout the library for all ages and stages, particularly on a cute little white shelf near the children’s section. Honestly, there is no better way to enhance the CHRISTmas spirit than to read these, no matter our age! Do check them out, or just come in for a few minutes to read. This is a most comfy, quiet, and relaxing place for a “reading retreat!”

A quick suggestion for you: We have placed a classic and most interesting book of old on the library table, Jesus of Nazareth, by William Barclay, with fabulous photographs. Especially in the very beginning, the photos surrounding the birth of our Lord are treasures to behold. You do not have to check it out but do drop in and enjoy this remarkable book!

Office Administrator

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