Bread House Week 33

Week 33 was another record-setter. We went over 30 tons of food given out since we started in April! We were a little slower with Thanksgiving, but we had new visitors stop by and see us! One grandmother and her granddaughter came to the Bread House, and I gave the granddaughter a seashell necklace the Fourth and Fifth graders had put together for folks who come by the Bread House. The fourth-grade young girl was very excited about the gift and asked her grandma if she could come to this church. Hopefully, they will. The grandmother said she had seen the sign and just decided to stop by and see what the Bread House was all about. She also said she had a bag of seashells at home and would be glad to donate them to the church to help.

Week 33 Numbers
Bags Collected - 233
Bags Given Out - 250
Gift cards Given Out - 1
Members Served - 288

Total Numbers
Bags Collected - 8939
Bags Given Out - 8168 (30.6 tons)
Gift cards Given Out - 171 (over $7250)
Members Served - 5527

Some of the items needed include:
· Dried beans and rice
· Canned vegetables (corn, green beans, mixed), beans, soups (tomato, chicken noodle and mushroom), tuna and chicken
· Fruit cups and single-serving chips and snacks
· Mac and cheese
· Cereal, oatmeal, and grits

Please know that you are welcome to donate or join us at the Bread House Monday-Wednesday-Friday from 9:00 - 12:00.  Bless you, for all you do to help those in need!

NOTE: If you cannot bring items to the Bread House, you can donate gift cards from local grocery stores or make cash donations to SUMC. In the MEMO section of your check, write Bread House or COVID 19 Relief Fund. The distribution of gift cards is tracked in order to ensure accountability and that we provide the cards to as many different people as possible.

If you have any questions about the program, please contact Janet Norris, Donna Whitney, Sandra Brown, Bill McBroom, Phil Richter, or Pete Peters at 703-395-2437 or email

About Photo: Meet our Wednesday Crew: Vi, Robin, Judy, Barbara, Terry, Pete, and lead Sandra! All are welcome; if you would like to volunteer, come, and see us!
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Office Administrator

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