A Word from our Librarian


The season of Advent is upon us and on our minds in the library. For your enlightenment or your small group, consider reading the Advent Conspiracy, especially if you are tired of how consumerism has stolen the soul of CHRISTmas! We have copies on the library table, and if you are interested in using it in small groups, please contact Pastor Faith.

You will be happy to know that many of your donated books have been included in CHRISTmas gift boxes and sent to troops stationed overseas. The gift boxes are a loving project of our Re-Boot Ministry and are sent twice a year. We thank you heartily for your book donations throughout the year and know you join us in being thrilled to support our troops in this way!

The library has proudly added a collection of children’s’ books from the Dolly Parton Imagination Library. The Imagination Library is a unique program founded by Dolly Parton in 1996. It mails a new, age-appropriate book into homes of children every month from birth to age 5. Begun in Dolly’s home county in Tennessee, it was such a success that she now allows replication of the program across the US and in Canada and the UK. SUMC Library is pleased to offer some of the books to our kids’ area. They are gathered in a basket. Enjoy sharing them with your children!

The church Library is open whenever the office is open and, of course, on Sundays until noon-ish. Drop-in, it is a special place!

Office Administrator

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