Thank You from Pastor Brad

My heart overflows with joy and appreciation! There is no way I can name everyone because I would forget someone. This was a high, holy, and joyous time and I thank my family, church family, friends, and fellow clergy who made all this so extra special.

Our Fun and Fellowship team did a wonderful job in providing a cupcake social. It was great to have such beautiful weather and to enjoy a time of fellowship with our church family. Thank you for this special gift.

I also want to express my appreciation to our Chancel Choir for the VERY SPECIAL AND WONDERFUL anthem you shared at the cupcake social. As I rounded the corner walking to the parking lot, seeing everyone and then hearing you begin to sing "Jesus Saves", I was taken back and my heart and mind were flooded with such great and treasured memories. Thank you so much for sharing that and the special treasure of that moment.
Your cards, notes, gifts, and expressions of love are so very much appreciated and cherished. I am blessed beyond measure, I love each of you dearly, and I thank my God upon every remembrance of you!

Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow!

Office Administrator

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