A Finance Update

Greetings, Shalimar United Methodist!

By now, your COVID-19 "vacation" is probably getting old. We hope you've found creative and fun ways to maximize your quality time together.

I wanted to tell everyone that your church leaders and the Finance Committee remain vigilant, keeping Shalimar UMC on solid financial footing during this crisis. We're doing everything in our power to continue paying our employees, so their families don't suffer even more. Romans 13:7 tells us that we should, "Give to everyone what you owe them: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue."

As a result, the staff researched the CARES Act and whether it could help prevent a crisis of financial strain. The Finance Committee voted to approve a CARES application, and we have received funds that will allow us to pay our staff for a reasonable period if life doesn't return to normal soon.

We are intentionally reducing spending everywhere possible. Funds are being focused on paths that enhance outreach, worship, and how to help our local area get back on its feet. We encourage you to join us in the opportunity to minister to a community that needs our help. People are desperate to see God in the midst of all of this. Some of our congregation are suffering and have lost their jobs. As a church, Shalimar United Methodist can find ways to aid our brothers and sisters in Christ.

Many of us are blessed to be less impacted by this crisis. If you are, we pray that you will consider how we can be generous during these times that are so hard on those less fortunate. Just imagine; if those who can continue or increase tithing do so, we can lift a hurting church family and community back on its feet in God's name.

Thank you all; for your faithfulness, generosity, and for being Shalimar UNITED!
David Mobley
Shalimar UMC Member and Finance Committee Chair

Faith Parry

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